Sunday 25 March 2012

Final Submission Exp1



Original Concept Sketch






Ai Weiwei's Studio
 Louise's Studio


Draft Sketchup Model

Simple stool - Google
Chinese Case - Jose Manuell

36 Textures

Tuesday 20 March 2012

I chose this video because I have been exploring the contrast between the two artists and trying to show this in a physical form while having the gallery as a transformation between the two vastly different studios. This video is quite a nice video of the contrast between many different things and really encompasses what i'm trying to get to achieve.

Friday 16 March 2012

To Descend or not to descend?

Here are my latest attempts of some stairs.
These first two are pictures of the proposed stairs leading down to the gallery from Ai Weiwei's studio: Definitely not finished at the moment but i think it has potential! Just experimenting with textures currently to get an idea of what I like and what I don't.

This next staircase is leading from the gallery down into Louise's studio. I had some of her more organic works in mind when i created these stairs (See below - Destruction of the Father). The coloring is definitely temporary, just using it for better perception of depth etc - it's Saint Patrick's day today so that's why I chose green.

Destruction of the Father

A progression of Ideas

 Here is a much more developed version of Ai Weiwei's studio. Including staircases and the steps towards the gallery itself! It's getting there and I think I'm getting a better understanding of Spatial awareness and how i can go about that to create the studios to maximise this.